Thursday, August 19, 2010

They're getting stranger and more detailed.

Astronauts. There are five of us using one space suit kinda Megazord style. One of us has created a super advance robot named Cubie. Cubie says something to us and someone questions how we can hear him, as there is no air and he doesn't have a com device. The robot explains it in a perfectly scientific manner and flies ahead to meet us at our destination. Someone (we weren't very distinct from each other) shouts after him, but he doesn't hear. We prepare to follow, but someone hits the wrong button.

We plummet to Earth and land on an island, miraculously unharmed. Our only hope is for Cubie to come save us, so we shout. And shout. And shout. When Cubie's creator shouts a few times and then stops, we fall silent. After spending a couple minutes resigning ourselves to life on a deserted island, we spot Cubie. His creator explains to him that he needs to carry (as opposed to swimming. Honestly.) us, one at a time, to our destination, apparently 40000 feet (about 7.6 miles) away. He carries me off last or close to last.

Cubie takes me to school (my elementary school, but apparently the school I currently attend), apparently out destination. I spot Will and ask him where Cubie dropped him off. He tells me that Cubie took him to my mother's house.

Walking down the art/music/PE hall in the school, with CatherineM and an inordinate amount of random unimportant students. She's in the middle of saying something and concludes with, "So if anyone asks about my English birthday, that's what happened." I smile and nod as though I have been listening.

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