Sunday, January 8, 2012

1. Not Me is the figurehead mayor of a futuristic dystopia. The citizens are revolting and she has been sent into an empty, underground battlefield to write an inspiring speech to try to control the remaining civilians. She is authorized to be in areas Midnight Blue and a few others, also named after colors, all empty. After stumbling into area Orange, she discovers it to be full of large, cylindrical weapons. Shortly after entering the area, the actual people in charge appear to escort her out, saying that she does not have the security clearance to be there. She's taken above ground into an incredibly bright (there's a glass domed ceiling and nearly everything is white or reflective) mall-like area to deliver her speech.

2. A man slowly loses touch with reality. His hallucinations get increasingly worse until everyone at his dinner table (which is in a barn for some reason) all turns into the same person. His illness is revealed when he can no longer tell who is who and his family tries to help him. For some reason, this help involves some well-choreographed dancing.