Monday, August 31, 2009

Haven't a clue what my dreams were, but I think I have a recurring dream involving soup or that soup is a recurring theme in my dreams. I woke up the other day and forgot my dream, but I remember that it involved soup (I think there was soup being served in the cafeteria of where I attended junior high). It seemed familiar.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It's been a while...

Okay. I'm at a store with my mother, her fiance, Emily, and Somebody (Male, possibly nearish my age. I haven't a clue who he is, but I dream about him sometimes). The outside of the store says Petco, but the inside is more like Wal-Mart + Lowes + Generic Furniture Store. I don't see anyone else with pets, which worries me, because I have a two mechanical dogs on leashes and a cat. The dogs look and act exactly like real dogs, except they have On-Off switches on their tummies. The smaller of the two dogs has something like a miniature stroller attached to its leash, into which it keeps sitting down, though it never falls behind. I guess the stroller was motorized or something. Every once in a while, the larger dog tries to sit in the stroller, but the little dog pushes it out. I realize I've gotten separated from the rest of the group, but it doesn't worry me. That is, until Emily and Somebody come barrelling up the aisle I'm standing in. Emily is frantically screaming and Somebody has a sign (I guess he doesn't talk). Both of them are effectively communicating (written as seen on Somebody's sign) "RUN!!! HIDE IN THE FLOORING DEPARTMENT!!!". Being a trusting friend, I ran as fast as is humanly possible with two mechanical dogs and a cat in tow to the flooring department. There, I hid behind a conveniently tipped over couch. The cat had a hairball right in front of me. It was icky, so I threw up a teeny little bit (which is noteworthy because usually my stomach is not that weak). The dogs hid under an adjacent couch. We slept. We woke up, got up, and saw my mother, her fiance, and Emily. And then I woke up.

Upon further reflection, Somebody and the cat were both missing at the end.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Okay, I don't actually remember what I dreamed. I wish I did, though, because I woke up sideways on my bed. Weird.