Saturday, May 30, 2009

Is There a Better Term for Sequal Dreams?

1. When: A few weeks ago

I don't remember a whole lot of this dream, but here is what I do know. For some reason, I was trapped in an empty room. It was my own bedroom, minus furniture and colorful walls, but in the dream it was not. The door was not there, its frame empty, and yet I could not leave the room. I wasn't a hostage or kidnappee or anything and all of my basic needs were met, with the exception of companionship. I was alone. Except, of course, for the copies of me that I could create using the hand dryers on the wall (the only things in the room besides me and my copies). There could be up to eight at a time, including the original.
Something important happened. I know that. I just can't remember what it was. I just know it resulted in my being outside, in a park or some such place. From this park, I ran. And I escaped. And then I woke up.

2. When: Last night

Oddly, this dream is a sequal of the previous. I had been taken back. Same basic thing, all needs met in an empty room (except for some hand dryers on the walls), free but trapped, etc.. Two circumstances were different: First, we were in my brother's bedroom. Second, this time a friend of mine, Katherine, from the waking world was my roommate. When I was brought to the room, there were eight Katherines, all absorbed in different tasks. When I entered, seven of them disappeared. We talked and reached a conclusion. Katherine and I wanted to escape.
Suddenly, we heard someone else being brought in and put in the room next door. I don't know if we had to ask or anything, but I know we were allowed to go greet out new neighbor through his "door". We stepped out of our room into the hallway that is usually between my brother's room and my own, changes being that all furniture and doors were gone except the door to the room next to his, which is a tiny closet in real life. Our new neighbor turned out to be another friend from the waking world, Will. Some background: Will is not remotely musically talented and rarely gets upset, as I know him while awake.
Will was furious. Pounding on the walls furious. It was scary. He calmed down when we spoke with him. We chatted in normal tones at normal volume without code, though we knew the possibility that we were under surveillance existed. We told him we were going to get out and that we would be back soon. Katherine and I returned to our room.
On out next visit, Will was playing the piano he was lucky enough to have in his room. We explained the hand dryers to him and returned to our room. And then I woke up.

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