Monday, December 21, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Don't mock me.
The impression I get now is that I was reading a very vivid book because I am only in parts of the dream and those parts involve preparing for a trip to my grandmother's house. The book seems to be written in first person from the point of the separated man because I remember the last part of it being from his perspective, but I don't remember the rest of his words. I will split this into "Parts I am not in" and "Parts I am in". Also, someone just commented that my descriptions are getting less detailed. Take THAT! Lastly, some
parts of this (namely the store in parts-I-am-not-in and the general setting.) are very familiar. I think I have had parts of this dream
before. Not all of it, though, because I know I haven't dreamed about Star
Trek or Spring Awakening people before, least of all in the same dream.
Parts I Am Not In:
There is a Ferengi (This is the nerdiest dream I have ever had. Hence the title of this post. Just wait, it doesn't even stay Star Trek.) talking to what I suppose is his crew. As a human captain and his crew approach he says something like, "I'd kill anyone if I had the chance, but a Klingon, I would chase until death to kill!" The captain announces he and his men are supposed to join the Ferengi crew. Cap'n Ferengi tells him to get his horses and meet him at the top of the cliff (Did I mention this exchange is taking place on a bridge going across a lake? Basically, it's a broken bowl of water. Cliff on three sides, water all over except very near the cliff walls and the side there is no cliff. It's very pretty.).
The humans go get their horses. Instead of crossing the bridge, they swim the horses across the lake (It's not very deep. I don't think they ever actually have to swim.) to climb the cliff. All of the horses succeed, except one, who slips at the very top of the cliff. In essence, the horse disappears. I guess my subconscious didn't want to kill it off. Its rider is now dangling by a rope of some sort. He can hear everyone else yelling at him to hurry up, they're all waiting, does he think he's being funny, but they can't hear him when he yells back. His rope slides and he is now face-to-face with a waterfall, behind which is the crew. Crew and separated continue to yell, but the crew seems to be deaf to his pleas.
Suddenly one of them, the only girl, thinks she hears him. From her side of the waterfall, there is glowing from the other side. Not like light, but like a thermal imaging camera. He is glowing light blue, not red/yellow/orange/whatever (very cold). She can hear him more clearly now. She tells him to touch the waterfall. He pokes his hand through. It does not appear on her side. She concludes that he is no longer alive, but a spirit. She tells him to let go. He does. The "book" ends with him waking up in Gideon Glick's arms (NOT like that. Like Glick is his guardian angel or something cheesy like that.). They seem to be in just a big white nothingness (Except there is a floor, also white), wearing white clothes. Everything glows a little bit. It's a very typical "heaven".
Parts I Am In:
In my mother's car with her, my brother, his girlfriend, and lots of luggage. We are going to visit my grandmother (My only remaining grandmother is my father's mother). Brother and I are not excited. We stop at a store that seems to sell everything nerdy, from D&D stuff to POKEMON DEODORANT. The store is located in the side of the cliff from the parts I am not in. On the way inside, I trip and end up rolling like a spy movie hero. Nobody sees me, because the floor is empty. Brother's girlfriend comes up from the lower level on the floor, says hello to me and leaves the store. I look around for a few minutes, then follow suit, only to discover that a search party has been assembled. I ask my brother who it is for. It is for me. They disperse. We get into the car and drive off.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate Thanksgiving and actually read this
This was pretty much three dreams packed into one:
Sitting at my computer, get two IMs. One from a friend of mine, Katrina, telling me she found some seashells at the beach and would I like one, they are filled with pink water. Another from Will, um, asking me out. I said yes to both of them, I think. Then I am at a large dinner table with my family and some other people. Someone is passing around a glass full of the aforementioned pink water seashells. I take one.
Friday, November 20, 2009
I think this is the first truly unpleasant dream I'll post here.
My mother and I were following the route that I trick-or-treated on this year (With my friends. Shut up.), but for no apparent reason. She had just gotten new shoes and wanted to show them off. We approached a house and she went onto the porch before me to show me the shoes and she collapsed (in a very loud and painful sounding way, sliding to the ground against the wall of the house). Then I woke up. And I never got back to sleep.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
My goodness. It has been months.
1. I had a strange, but maybe not bad dream. I "woke up" from it and sent a friend of mine a txt message telling her that "I had a bad dweam. =(". Then I considered the profundity of the dweam in question. And then I woke up.
2. First day of school NEXT YEAR. I left my schedule in a classroom. I don't remember what class it was, but it was the room in which I take history. I left my backpack in a car (mine? My parents'? It was how I got to school and belonged to someone in my family, except I think it was the car that Will drives in this waking world of ours) and when I tried to go get it, I couldn't find a hallway that went to the front of the school, where the door that would let me outside lay. The only hallway that went in that direction ended with dead end because there was a FOUNTAIN. And some cheerleader lockers. I walked with my actual orchestra stand partner to the room in which we would both apparently be taking Physics (which I am not going to be taking). The teacher was my Chemistry teacher, except her name was different. I'm probably forgetting some stuff.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Several dreams from several nights
1. Sitting at home, playing video games. My brother is watching and my mother is in the next room washing dishes. She asks where my viola is and I remind her that I leave it at school on Mondays and Thursdays (FACT!) and that it was a Monday (Also fact. This was a Monday night.). She tells me I shouldn't do that because the club that meets in the orchestra room might steal it (FICTION! They meet on Tuesdays.). I tell her that I know the people in that club and could track down whoever took the viola.
2. ANOTHER SEQUEL DREAM!!! I really must find out the term for this. Although, if I'm being honest, I don't remember either dream very well and they weren't so much sequels. In the second one, I am talking with a person I met in the first one (and who actually exists. I see him in the halls at school sometimes.). We are discussing where I know him from. I basically recount the first dream. Unfortunately, this is all I really remember.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I remembered two, but I forgot one.
I am either going to or leaving school (I think the latter). I am carrying my backpack, my musical instrument, and a box (which was my homework in real life). A friend of mine gives me a (One. 1.) teddy bear. For some reason I now have two teddy bears. One of them looks like one that belongs to my brother, the other like one that my mother has.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Haven't a clue what my dreams were, but I think I have a recurring dream involving soup or that soup is a recurring theme in my dreams. I woke up the other day and forgot my dream, but I remember that it involved soup (I think there was soup being served in the cafeteria of where I attended junior high). It seemed familiar.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
It's been a while...
Okay. I'm at a store with my mother, her fiance, Emily, and Somebody (Male, possibly nearish my age. I haven't a clue who he is, but I dream about him sometimes). The outside of the store says Petco, but the inside is more like Wal-Mart + Lowes + Generic Furniture Store. I don't see anyone else with pets, which worries me, because I have a two mechanical dogs on leashes and a cat. The dogs look and act exactly like real dogs, except they have On-Off switches on their tummies. The smaller of the two dogs has something like a miniature stroller attached to its leash, into which it keeps sitting down, though it never falls behind. I guess the stroller was motorized or something. Every once in a while, the larger dog tries to sit in the stroller, but the little dog pushes it out. I realize I've gotten separated from the rest of the group, but it doesn't worry me. That is, until Emily and Somebody come barrelling up the aisle I'm standing in. Emily is frantically screaming and Somebody has a sign (I guess he doesn't talk). Both of them are effectively communicating (written as seen on Somebody's sign) "RUN!!! HIDE IN THE FLOORING DEPARTMENT!!!". Being a trusting friend, I ran as fast as is humanly possible with two mechanical dogs and a cat in tow to the flooring department. There, I hid behind a conveniently tipped over couch. The cat had a hairball right in front of me. It was icky, so I threw up a teeny little bit (which is noteworthy because usually my stomach is not that weak). The dogs hid under an adjacent couch. We slept. We woke up, got up, and saw my mother, her fiance, and Emily. And then I woke up.
Upon further reflection, Somebody and the cat were both missing at the end.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I'm at driver's ed. Except it is not the driver's ed building, but OF COURSE IT IS WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. It is a building I think I have been to once like four years ago when my grade went on an overnight field trip to a nature camp thing. This is the sort of room with taxidermied (is that a word? I don't know. I don't think it's a word.) wildlife all over the place. Anyway. After we put on our Driver's Education Uniforms, which we have, they bring food. But it is cupcakes. And we are all "Cupcakes? We don't want no stinking cupcakes!". So Katherine (who is NOT in my driver's ed class, but was there) and I went to find CAKE. Because that is what we all wanted. And we found cake. There were like eight cakes. They were sitting on metal shelves along the walls of the kitchen, but they were frozen. For some reason we could not bring them back, but everyone was happy anyway, except this one boy who IS in my actual driver's ed class and who I had a class with during one semester of school. He was just kinda sitting there with his hands folded on his lap. Aaaaand then I woke up.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Out to dinner with someone male (My brother? My dad? Will? No idea. But he was male.). We were at a place I had been to only once before, a long time ago. My companion orders The Usual. I order something. Apparently it is exactly what I ordered the last time, same words and all because the waiter says "Of course, your usual." The restaurant's memory freaks me out a little.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Three. I think that's a personal record.
1. I was at the school I attended last year, helping Emily pack her backpack. We had agreed to meet Will when we were done. By the time we finished, it was 5:30 PM. We went to find Will, but he had taken the bus home. The scene kind of blurred into a party in my mother's basement with my friends (minus Will and possibly Katherine). We were just about to start playing video games (N64, to be precise) when Catherine commented on the games. That delayed us starting long enough for Will to show up.
2. Basically, the world disappears at 10 PM unless you are lying perfectly still. If you are, then you can wander around the empty landscape until the world reappears at 11, at which time you have to be perfectly still again. I think you also had to be back where you started at 10 when everything reappeared.
3. I swore in front of my father (something I never do while awake) and I had to cover for it. I'm pretty sure I said something lame like "I don't normally say things like that, but...".
Friday, June 12, 2009
I was at a hotel with the mother and brother of a friend of mine, Emily. Emily was not present. I was wandering around the outside of the hotel, which looked suspiciously like where I attended elementary school, with Emily's little brother. We were chatting about something I don't remember and then decided to go back inside, using a door that wasn't present at my school. We were in an elevator. Emily's mother was there, as were two other people, both of whom I know and neither of whom I talk to. All five of us were on our way to check out of the hotel, but there was no luggage in the elevator. We all had numbers. Emily's brother dropped his when the elevator suddenly tilted sideways. He nearly fell himself, but Emily's mother and I grabbed his wrists. His number fell through the door, outside the elevator. The elevator righted itself and the doors opened. There were two number card on the ground. Emily's mother said that she was number 60, so Emily's brother should take number 40. Mine was 116. We exited the elevator, stepping into what looked like the lobby of a hotel I stayed in in China. Upon thinking, the elevator was similar to one I encountered in France (I go on a lot of school trips). The hotel receptionists were calling out numbers, seemingly at random. They called 116. I was not sure if I was supposed to go to the desk at that time or wait for them to finish with 1-115.
And then I woke up.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Presumably because I have been re-reading the Harry Potter books, I dreamt that my dog could fly. I could ride the flying dog if I followed protocol similar to that required to ride a hippogriff, with the bowing and all that. So my dog and I flew a lap around the house and landed. There was suddenly a rack of...flying dog tack, for lack of a better term. I put something on the dog that was basically a halter made out of two leashes for reins and a band that would go around his nose. We flew another lap. I saw my mother approaching and quickly removed the halter. I think I thought she would be mad if she knew I'd used it. Instead, she yelled at me for flying without it.
Upon waking at this time, I had the distinct impression that the leash halter had been silvery, but in the dream, it was bright red. Apparently I subconciously don't know my colors.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Is it weird how much I seem to dream about Jake?
Will has chin length, straight hair in the waking world.
In last night's dream, it was at his shoulders and slightly wavy. I was confused because usually it is a white-boy afro, of course. He was dressed in a marching band uniform with a trumpet. I had two pictures (a yearbook?) of him from earlier (that day?). In one, he had curly hair. In the other he had straight hair. We were discussing whether or not he straightened his hair in between the two pictures.
Monday, June 1, 2009
It's a shame I have no time to update in the morning
I remembered when I woke up, honest. Something about a script. Reading one or writing?
Sunday, May 31, 2009
I was at my father's house, hanging out with Will from the previous dream, another friend whom we shall call Grace, and her brother, Henry. We were going to watch TV when we noticed Will sitting on the floor, hugging his knees to his chest and staring at the ground right in front of him. When nudged and asked if he was okay, he snapped back to "reality" and said he was just thinking.
We're at the pool near the house now. Henry is not present. We are in our swimming attire, but no one is swimming. We just dangle our feet in the water. Grace and I comment on how very thin Will is. Will says he is much less thin than Grace's brother, who is suddenly there again in swimming attire. It cannot be healthy how skinny he is.
For the record, I have never seen Grace's brother without his shirt, nor do I want to. I don't know where that came from.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Is There a Better Term for Sequal Dreams?
1. When: A few weeks ago
I don't remember a whole lot of this dream, but here is what I do know. For some reason, I was trapped in an empty room. It was my own bedroom, minus furniture and colorful walls, but in the dream it was not. The door was not there, its frame empty, and yet I could not leave the room. I wasn't a hostage or kidnappee or anything and all of my basic needs were met, with the exception of companionship. I was alone. Except, of course, for the copies of me that I could create using the hand dryers on the wall (the only things in the room besides me and my copies). There could be up to eight at a time, including the original.
Something important happened. I know that. I just can't remember what it was. I just know it resulted in my being outside, in a park or some such place. From this park, I ran. And I escaped. And then I woke up.
2. When: Last night
Oddly, this dream is a sequal of the previous. I had been taken back. Same basic thing, all needs met in an empty room (except for some hand dryers on the walls), free but trapped, etc.. Two circumstances were different: First, we were in my brother's bedroom. Second, this time a friend of mine, Katherine, from the waking world was my roommate. When I was brought to the room, there were eight Katherines, all absorbed in different tasks. When I entered, seven of them disappeared. We talked and reached a conclusion. Katherine and I wanted to escape.
Suddenly, we heard someone else being brought in and put in the room next door. I don't know if we had to ask or anything, but I know we were allowed to go greet out new neighbor through his "door". We stepped out of our room into the hallway that is usually between my brother's room and my own, changes being that all furniture and doors were gone except the door to the room next to his, which is a tiny closet in real life. Our new neighbor turned out to be another friend from the waking world, Will. Some background: Will is not remotely musically talented and rarely gets upset, as I know him while awake.
Will was furious. Pounding on the walls furious. It was scary. He calmed down when we spoke with him. We chatted in normal tones at normal volume without code, though we knew the possibility that we were under surveillance existed. We told him we were going to get out and that we would be back soon. Katherine and I returned to our room.
On out next visit, Will was playing the piano he was lucky enough to have in his room. We explained the hand dryers to him and returned to our room. And then I woke up.
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